What should the institutional architecture of Ukraine's Recovery look like? How to ensure proper coordination, effective use of funds, the apolitical prioritization of the projects, and inevitable responsibility?
We attempt to answer this question through the proposals presented in the Discussion paper. We want to emphasize the importance of involving the non-governmental sector in the adoption and implementation of decisions on the reconstruction of the country. After all, the experience of many successful reforms and processes in Ukraine has demonstrated the effectiveness and necessity of the active participation of the non-governmental sector in particular, for example, the public procurement reform (Prozorro), the state auction system Prozorro Sale, the electronic health care system e-Health, the opening of budget data (E-data) and many others.
We assign a special role during the formation of a transparent and accountable institutional architecture of reconstruction to the publication and use of open data, the development of an electronic reconstruction management system, which must be synchronized with existing electronic government systems, as well as the development of other digital solutions and platforms to support reconstruction.