development of policies and mechanisms for the application of sustainable development principles in the planning and implementation of reconstruction projects.
monitoring of reconstruction projects on the national and regional level; training other public activists to carry out control functions; monitoring of efficiency and the principles of funds allocation; development of the project prioritization.
participation in the reconstruction process; electronic forms of participation in decision-making (e-voting, e-surveys, public control); participation in reconstruction on site; monitoring of the development of local e-democracy through the Geoinformation System of Regional Development; creating corresponding modules for the DREAM system.
advocacy of opening up data, which will help with the efficiency and transparency of processes during reconstruction.
comprehensive development of approaches and stages of reforming the system and bodies of state financial control; advocacy of risk-orientation of inspections.
promoting the confiscation and use of Russian assets in Ukraine and abroad; advocacy in key countries of the need to develop an international legal mechanism to compensate for the damages caused by Russia.
development of the legislative framework for implementing best practices in reconstruction and adapting Ukrainian legislation to the challenges of reconstruction during and after the large-scale war.
best practices development and advocacy procurement processes changes by public customers of goods, services, and works for reconstruction; strengthening the role of private business in decision-making processes and participation in reconstruction processes; development of clear instructions and roadmaps for engaging stakeholders in reconstruction projects.